Friday, 30 September 2016

Introduction to our blog and explanation for the delay

This is our first attempt at blogging - a curiously self conscious expose.  We think that what we are doing is OK for a starter, but do let us know what you think about it as we go along.

The delay in getting going has been because we had trouble finding a suitable blogging platform for what we wanted and had problems in finding reliable internet connections in some of the places we have been staying so far.  We thought that I, Jan (woman), would do a daily rundown of the day under headings for brevity, and he, Jan (man) would fill in when the bidding takes him.  I have more daily time it seems as he likes to do the driving, the cooking, the setting up, the toilet, the research, the booking and route planning.  We do the washing up together and fight over who will feed Jim!  We both have the need to be adored.

We are now two weeks in, as Jan reminded me when I told him today he was the most annoying man left alive since my Dad, Squib, died (and by the way - how come Janman turned into Squib?)..... that, "I had managed 10 days with him so only another 355 days to go". That made me laugh.

The first week we journeyed around England seeing some friends and then left for France on 22nd September.  It was so easy and trouble free.  Since then It has been very busy, learning the ropes, getting into the swing and acclimatising.

Also we are disappointed to find that our Lumix camera needs a special Panasonic cable with a specific USB connector to download photos to post on the blog, and we left this behind.  Hopefully this problem will be resolved soon, and we shall sharpen up our practice as we go.  If you have any design or techno ideas please express them - your feedback will be welcomed.

So here goes........

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